Become A Member Today!

Members of the Marcus Whitman Gem & Mineral Society share a passion for the natural wonders and beauty of the earth sciences.

Our purpose is to build a community for individuals of all ages who are interested in earth science, lapidary arts and learning about rocks, minerals, fossils and gems. To do this, we have monthly meetings, field trips, programs, youth activities and host an annual Gem & Mineral show.

We would love to have you and your family join the club. You can download our membership application here, fill it out and bring it to our next club meeting or register online below. Your annual membership will run from January 1 through December 31. Membership is not prorated for an application that has been received after the first of the year.

$20/year for an individual adult with no juniors

$35/year for a family - 2 adults plus juniors

Benefits include:

  • Access to lapidary shop

  • Classes

  • Rock hounding field trips

  • Youth activities and projects

Membership dues help sustain our programs and provide educational activities and projects for our youth. They also help pay for rent and electricity for our shop, as well as, maintenance, and purchasing of materials and equipment to benefit members of the club.

**You are more than welcome to join our next monthly meeting and pay your club member dues with cash or check.

If you pay online with apple pay, paypal or credit card, prices are adjusted to cover the costs of credit card processing fees, thank you for your understanding.**

Individual Adult Membership
Every year

Family Membership - 2 Adults + Juniors
Every year